Meeting Minutes: December 2013

Wishing you a blest Christmas with your family and friends.

It was wonderful to see all of you at the December meeting.  I was inspired by the marvellous show and tell and was blown away by the candle mats.  Thank you to Mary for coming up with such a wonderful idea.

Here are just a few snap shots of our day together.  More photos are available to be seen here:

Louise wanted to have it known that she handed quilted this – and will NEVER do it again


Vignette Stitches Club: Magazines are available if you need to borrow one.  Please speak to Beth.

Charity Quilts:

Thank you to those of you who remembered to bring backing, batting and binding for our charity quilts.  If you were hoping to bring something to contribute for backing or batting there is still time so please bring it to the next meeting.   Those of you who are working on the wonderful tops, please remember to bring them to the meetings so they can be sent home with Janet or Kelly to be quilted.

Thank you to Shirley, Linda deB, Pat, and Linda Bur. for offering to help put the bindings on.

We will have a demo at one of the upcoming meetings on making labels for the charity quilts and attach them to the quilts.

As the quilts are completed we will send them off to organizations in need, this will be decided on a case to case basis. If you have organizations in mind please email them to Jen so a list can be formed.

Ujamaa Grandmas

Thank you to Carla for the information about the Ujamaa Grandmas.  Ladies mark your calendars April 25 and 26, 2014 for their annual FABRIC SALE at the Woodcliff United Church.  More information will be available in January. All proceeds go to the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

A Note from Jan on behalf of the Sheep River Library

The library is looking for large wall hangings, twin or queen sized quilts for the next round of displays.  Your quilt would be on display for approximately 3 months.  No sleeve is needed as the library has a clip system.  If you have one that is available please bring it to the January meeting.

Also, if you have a MARIGOLD library card there are now great hobby/craft magazines available for download.

Some Reminders: 

A Note from our Sunshine Lady Linda Boz.  

If any of you have small vases or tea cups or other items that might be nice for flower arrangements and have no need for them any more please bring them to guild.

Linda will put them to good use for the flower arrangements that she makes for our guild members.

If you know when a member is returning to guild and you know they will be receiving a flower arrangement please let Linda Boz. know so she can bring the arrangement to that meeting.

A Note from Mary

* Please don’t forget to pay your membership fee

Remaining Challenges

1. Brown Bag Challenge: The last of the brown bags have now been swapped.  Please remember to label your finished quilt with who contributed the fabric and who pieced/quilted the final project.

2. Chatelaines: Create a chatelaine that can hold your scissors, thimble, needles, and a pin cushion of sorts.

3. Trip Around the World Quilt: Create a Trip Around the World Quilt

January Meeting Information

Escape from the cold weather on our trip to Hawaii as Denise shares with us the Hawaiian quilting style.  Mahalo to Denise for preparing next month’s Demo.

There will also be an opportunity to show off your latest projects at our January show and tell.  And feel free to stay and sew the afternoon away.

Set Up/Take Down Crew for December: Beth, Carla, Donna and Jen

Reminder: December Meeting

Looking forward to seeing you at our Christmas Exchange and Potluck Meeting on December 14 beginning at 9:30am.
We will begin our December Meeting with a show and tell.
Don’t forget to work on your Candle Mats  and candles for our exchange. We are exchanging them at this meeting.  – can’t wait!
Also, please remember to bring a potluck item for our fab lunch.
Set Up/Take Down Crew for December: Mary, Dianne M, Shannon, Karen R.
Charity Quilts – Our goal is to have the tops complete for the December meeting. Please remember to bring your quilt tops and batting and backing to help complete the quilts. 
Last Border: 5.5″ on sides, 7.5″ on top and bottom
Second Last Border: 3.5″ on sides, 5.5″ on top and bottom
  • Quilts should be roughly 51″ x 65″ with the last border on
  • In December please help us finish them by either bringing BACKING or BATTING (61″x 75″)
  • If you worked on the last border of the quilts and have about 1/2 meter of fabric, please consider saving it for binding