Where Women Gather

WHERE WOMEN GATHER…a time to slow down, catch your breath and spend some “downtime” with friends.

 Our theme is a Nautical theme this year. Beth Schmidt will tell some of the “water-themed” stories from the Bible, and Jan Burney has designed a beautiful Nautical quilt for those who would like to make a quilt based on the stories.

 We start the program right away at 10:30 with a cup of coffee or tea and a slice of cake. We will start with the story followed by the monthly quilt instructions. After that, it is a time to do handwork: knitting, quilting, crocheting, embroidery, or… nail art! Whatever you want to play at, this is your time to do it without interruptions (or cost).

If you are not interested in a craft, then come and have a cup of tea together and stay for the story. Stay as long as you like, but feel free to leave when you like, too. There’s no pressure, this is your time to enjoy a bit of time with other women.

 We will start the program this month on SATURDAY, September 17, 2016, 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM, at Millarville Community Church. There will be snacks, but we don’t want anyone fainting from hunger, so bring your own lunch (or feel free to scrounge around in the kitchen).

 Subsequent dates for Where Women Gather are as follows:

October 22, 2016 (4th Saturday)

November 19, 2016 (3rd Saturday)

January 21, 2017 (3rd Saturday)

February 18, 2017 (3rd Saturday)

March 18, 2017 (3rd Saturday)

April 15, 2017 (3rd Saturday)

 We hope to see you there,

 Smooth sailing until then,

Beth & Jan




2 thoughts on “Where Women Gather

  1. Pingback: Love/Hate Relationships: HST | Sew What!

  2. Pingback: Snowman A to Zzzzz | Sew What!

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