FNQG December Guild Meeting – Christmas Potluck

While the weather outside may be frightful…. we are hoping see all of you for a delightful Christmas Potluck on Saturday, December 10, 2016.

There’s no naughty and nice list like our jolly saintly friend Nick but here are a few reminders that might help you keep your holly-day straight.

Christmas gift exchange –  there are 2 exchanges: gifts-and-christmas-ornaments

  • An apron with a recipe in the pocket
  • A small quilt with a perimeter <60”.

You can participate in either or both (or none) so long as you stay jolly and warm.

Potluck – anything goes.  Bring your appetite!

Show n’ Tell – show and inspire others with what you’ve been sewing/quilting

Short meeting to “keep everyone in the loop”.

Draw for Gwyneth’s Fort McMurray  Quilt. Tickets are still available up to draw time at $20 each.

Comfort Quilts

  • bring yours with the next installment of the quilt
    • another row of 3 – 10” squares
  • you should now have 3 rows of 3 10″ blocks

Set up/clean up – this month our elves (volunteers) are Mary D, Diane M, Betty B, and Lindy D. If you could be there to set up at 8:45 that would be great. Set up instructions are on the blog on the website if you need a reminder.  You will also b e responsible for clean up before you leave for the day.

See you all on Saturday…
